We are 100% integrated with Authorize.net payment gateway, and now being a re-seller, we can help, advise, and assist you to become an online merchant through Auhtorize.net in the quickest possible way.
Here are the steps:
1. Start your application: http://reseller.authorize.net/application/109568/
You will not pay a penny more signing up through our re-seller link. The benefit is that your account will be tagged with our re-seller ID and that will make the integration process a breeze. We would strongly suggest to contact us before applying to give you some input and advice after finding out more about your business.
2. If your application is complete and accurate, there is a good chance it may be approved even the same day. However, you should expect a verification of your information via the phone, and the need to provide (via fax or email) some documents to the underwriting company for your new merchant account.
3. Once your account is approved and confirmed, it will take an email or a phone call with us to walk you through what information we need in order to connect our payment modules with Authorize.net payment gateway.
4. We can quickly set you up with a shared hosted Galaxy Commerce Shopping Cart 30 day trial, so you can try out and test your new merchant account right away. There is no feeling like entering in a credit card order, and knowing funds go straight into your bank account.