GalaxyLinq was founded in 2015 by Ivan A Slavov – software engineer and entrepreneur from Baltimore Maryland, driven by his passion to perfection and engineering mind.
Ivan, originally from Bulgaria, completed his bachelor’s degree in Towson University, MD in year 2000.
Fueled by ever growing and changing IT technology, Ivan is always looking for ways to simplify, automate, and improve efficiency for routine business processes. With 20+ years of experience in software engineering, application development and embedded programming, "we would always find a better, faster, and more efficient way" – with this in mind, GalaxyLinq is offering custom software solutions using one of the many company verticals:
GalaxyLinq solutions and services are never outsourced, everything we work on is designed and built in-house - GalaxyLinq hires and works only with network of local experts in UX/Design and Graphic Design, while all engineering and software development is coded and/or overseen hands-on by CTO of the GalaxyLinq – Ivan Slavov.
Numerous larger organizations are contracting GalaxyLinq for consulting services and custom programing. GalaxyLinq is a preferred contractor for solutions in various industries: